Sunday, December 29, 2019

Divorce Variation and Fluidity - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 568 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Tags: Divorce Essay Did you like this example? Divorce has many definitions depending on which way you look at it. Some says, it is split families, failed marriages, or unfulfilled commitments. Marriage do not happen with expectation that there will be one day a divorce nor children grow hoping that there will be divorce between their parents too. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Divorce: Variation and Fluidity" essay for you Create order Many American families has experienced this parental divorce which is a phenomenon that cut across racial and ethnic groups due to vary in degree. Divorce rate is defined in two ways, one as number of divorces per 100 adults in a particular region in a certain year, secondly is percentage of married adult who are subjected to divorce at any point. Divorce variation and fluidity model highlights two central features of divorce process. These include (1) considerate variability in how many family members experience and adjust to divorce and (2) children and adult adjustment during and following divorce changes over time. Although it is commonly believed that the divorce rate was low since 1950 and then raised in recent decades. Then divorce rate increased steadily from the mid-19th century through 1970s. The rate stabilized at high level in early 1980s and declined moderately since then. This is because, in 1960s and 1970s cultural climate in United States had an increased emphasis on individuality but singlehood, cohabitation, childlessness and nonmarital sexual relations became more acceptable in 1980s. There is consistent evidence that several demographic, individual differences and relationship variation contribute to high probability in divorce. Demographic risks include: being African American, living in the western and southern parts of United States among others. Individual differences include sadness, anger, guilt, fear, embarrassments among others. Finally, with respect to relationship variables, divorce risks relates to dissatisfaction with marriage, lower level of commitment, marital aggr ession and other negative ways more than positive aspects in interactions. Research has found that divorces has brought moderate and mostly short-term effects to adult and children. These include: stress, mental health problems. Children are resilient and tends to adjust well over time while other reports considerable pain, unhappy moments or even continued distress. In mind we should consider various consequences of divorce This include economic consequences, psychological adjustments and children adjustment. Women are more likely to suffer from economical adjustments after divorce. This is because most marriages and divorces involve children and mother continue to devote substantially than father to caring for children. For instance, before divorce we used to live in a fairly well-off nice house and getting more of what we wanted. After divorce, my mother, my sister and I moved into a small 2bedroom apartment that was not even close to a as nice as our former house. Evidence suggests that in many case children and adolescent experiences difficulties for 1 to 2 years during the period leading up to and immediately after parental separation. In creating awareness of stress resulting from divorce, attention has been focussed on helping children adjust more through educational programs that prepare parents to help their children cope with divorce. However, client satisfaction does not necessarily mean that these programs are successful in fostering behavioural changes. Divorce mediation is based on the principal of cooperative negotiation which views parties as disputants who compete with each other. Mediation has critics, first mediator is said not to take man and woman power differential into account and secondly, mediation is not appropriate strategy of some couple who cannot speak out their problems for them to be solved.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

How Mark Morris Changed Dance Essay - 1213 Words

Dance is an ever evolving form of art; in much the same way that one can categorize and differentiate between eras and styles of architecture one can also do so with dance. These eras at times have sharp delineations separating them from their antecedents, other times the distinction is far more subtle. Traditional forms of dance were challenged by choreographers attempting to expand the breadth and increase the depth of performance; preeminent among such visionaries was Seattle born dancer and choreographer Mark Morris. Mark Morris began as one of the millions of hopeful individuals attempting to simply make a career in dance; he not only succeeded but managed to have a lasting effect on the entire landscape of dance. Mark Morris was†¦show more content†¦The piece was inspired by earlier works by George Balanchine and Merce Cunningham whom Morris claims are the choreographers that have most influenced him. Morris has become so well respected in his field that he was tasked with planning the ceremonies for the funeral of opera legend Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, with whom he had worked with many times and had a friendly relationship. He is seen today as one of the most enduring forces in modern dance choreography, having pioneered for decades. One of his most well-known works Gloria has been performed, with adaptation, since 1981. He has also had the distinction of performing to the playing of world renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma on numerous occasions, with Ma remarking that â€Å"Mark always manages to put the perfect movement to even my extemporaneous flourishes.† His work on preparing for the funeral of Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, and his international performances have made him recognizable around the globe. Having choreographed and or conducted (along with other recognizable choreographers) special performances for dignitaries such as 3 sitting US presidents, the Emperor of Japan, the Queen of England and a Premier of the Soviet Union has enlarged his admirers to superstar levels. Mark Morris managed to become a successful dancer in spite of several obstacles, though his parents were very supportive Morris’ body was atypical for a dancer. By his own description inShow MoreRelatedEssay about dance5531 Words   |  23 Pagesï » ¿Dance 10: Quiz 1-5 Part 1 of 1  Ã‚  Multiple Choice/True False  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Score:  50  Ã‚  Ã‚  (of possible 50 points) (ADDIONAL) Question 1 of 25  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Score:  2  Ã‚  Ã‚  (of possible 2 points) The French court ballet reached its height during the reign of Louis XIV, whose very birth had been celebrated by the _______________ of 1639. A. Ballet de la Fà ©licità © B. Ballet de la coutisane appelà © C. Ballet de Madame D. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Advantage and Disadvantage of Offshore Outsource Free Essays

Benefit of the Offshore Outsource 1) Improve the customer service Using high-quality specialist external providers can allow companies to capitalize on their strengths and, indirectly, help to improve customers’ experience of using such companies’ products or services. External providers can help a company’s competitiveness by delivering greater flexibility and responsiveness than would be available in-house. 2) Swiftness and Expertise Most of the times tasks are outsourced to vendors who specialize in their field. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantage and Disadvantage of Offshore Outsource or any similar topic only for you Order Now The outsourced vendors also have specific equipment, technical expertise, better experience and skills. Most of the times better than the ones at the outsourcing company. Effectively the tasks can be completed faster and with better quality output. 3) Concentrating on core process rather than the supporting ones Outsourcing the supporting processes gives the company more time to strengthen their core business process. The company will have more time to put more effort, develop ideas and plan the strategies on the core business activity. ) Risk-sharing Usually the main factors to outsource the company is risk-analysis. Outsourcing certain business activity process helps the company to shift certain responsibilities to the outsourced vendor. Since the outsourced vendor is a specialist, they plan your risk-mitigating factors better and recommend several method to improve the operations. 5) Reduced Operational and Recruitment costs Outsourcing prevent the need to hire individuals in-hous e; hence recruitment and operational costs can be decreased to a great extent. This is one of the prime advantages of offshore outsourcing to make the company operation cost-effective. The Disadvantages/ Weaknees of Offshore Outsourcing Even though offshore outsourcing gives advantage mainly on cutting the cost site but the other way offshore outsourcing sometimes bring disadvantage to the company. A company must identify what is the risk to offshore outsourcing to avoid loss. The disadvantage are : 1) Loss of the managerial control Once a company sign a contract to outsource all or several part of the department, the company are turning the managerial function to other company. The managerial control will belong to the different company and its function will not be driven by the same standards and mission of the main company. The outcource company will only focus on how to gain profit rather than to meets the main objective of the management. 2) Loss of gain knowledge and information When a company outsourcing the business activity, the company will loss the opportunity to get knowledge and information that could benefit other company. Knowledge provide competitive advantage to sustain the strengthness of the company. As a result, when a business activity been given to the other company, the company will have more skills, knowledge regarding to manage the activity. 3) Threat to security and company secret Data and information related to the company will given to the outsource company for the operation matter. The information can be threat to the company because the other company can use the information to compete with our company. Most of the outsource company their goals are only to make more profit rather than to follow the objective oforiginal company. At the end, both of the company compete each other to conquer the market. 4) Quality problem The outsourcing company will be motivated by profit. Since the contract will fix the price, the only way for them to increase profit will be to decrease expenses. As long as they meet the conditions of the contract, you will pay. In addition, you will lose the ability to rapidly respond to changes in the business environment. The contract will be very specific and you will pay extra for changes. How to cite Advantage and Disadvantage of Offshore Outsource, Papers