Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business of Corporate Social Responsibility †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Business of Corporate Social Responsibility. Answer: Introduction: The primary purpose of the students of business administration is to know how to manage a performance level of team members amidst the diversity of culture and religious backgrounds (Moon, 2013). Being a student of APIC I have completed my graduation on business administration. While continuing my course I had to deal with the students of diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes. Therefore, I had to conduct numerous projects in group work. As I am a student of business administration I am having enough skill and competency on how to manage the performance level instead of being a part of team members. Every team member associated with the group is possessed with different psychological backgrounds and attitudes. Therefore, in order to conduct the entire team project successfully, I had to make an effective communication with every single group member. It is undeniable that I have faced innumerable difficulties in dealing with every team member equally due to the lack of psychologic al barrier as well as communication barrier. In addition, as per the instruction of our guide I had to become the leader of this particular team. Therefore, my prime responsibility was to make a constant communication with every single individual so that the entire project can be accomplished successfully. In addition, while conducting the course I had to be associated with a small business organization as well in the post of business leader. In that particular field I have gained immense knowledge and experience on how the business leader should lead a team for meeting business target. I had to face major challenges in leading the entire team members. After facing innumerable challenges I have come to know how much difficulties the business leaders have to face while keeping a constant control over the entire team members. While doing this specific course I have evaluated those students of business administrators are having innumerable scopes and opportunities for being the part of an organization. As per the business scenario all over the world a particular business organization without having a management team is meaningless. In this kind of situation, every business organization is willing to recruit employees from business administration backgrounds so that they can manage the performance level of employees. Therefore, the responsibility of business managers is to communicate with the employees in order to resolve their issues (Nicholls, 2014). The primary purpose of being the student of management is getting the flexibility in job opportunity. Every business organization belonging to different industry is endowed with a proper management team. Being a student of business administration I am having an opportunity and scope to be the part of any organization. I have completed my graduation on human resource management from the University of APIC. As per the current business scenario I have observed that retail business industries are expanding their entire process of business all over the World. In addition, the numbers of retail business organizations are wide in range. In this kind of situation, I will get a scope to be the part of retail business organization as one of the most active employees. While continuing the project I am having an experience of leading a team. Therefore, the challenges that the business leaders have to face for directing team properly have also been faced. However, in future I am focusing to be the part of retail organization. Employees are from different geographical backgrounds and attitudes. Therefore, after appointing in the post of human resource managers I should have the capability of measuring the employees performance level. In need to develop my communication skill for dealing with the employees of di fferent cultural background. I am not having multi lingual flexibility. Therefore, people of other geographical areas may have immense problems in communicating with me. In order to resolve this issue I can enhance my communication skill so that people belonging to different geographical markets can maintain an effective communication with me. Industry-specific Megatrends and Challenges As per the Megatrends and Challenges I would like to make an in-depth PEST analysis based on which various political, environmental, socio-cultural and technological factors can be critically evaluated. Political environment of a particular country is highly influential for the success of a business industry. As per the overall business scenario it has been observed that retail business industry is situated on those geographical locations where the governments acts are regulations are flexible enough. Business organizations would not have to face difficulties in maintaining regulations related to taxation policies (Ensmenger, 2012). As per the overall business scenario, it is evident that retail business sectors have been expanded on those geographical areas which are free from political chaos. In various geographical areas of Australia like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane large number of retailed business industries has already expanded their business process (Cummings Worley, 2014). As Australias government policy is very much favorable for running the retail business organization I have chosen to be part of human resource managers in the industry of retail sector and supermarket cha in. Retail business organizations are established on economically developing countries. People belonging to different geographical boundaries are the part of a business organization (Ford Richardson, 2013). As per current business strategy of retail business industry the organization has to focus on huge number of target market. Therefore, the business experts intend to target both low cost as well as premium customers. I want to be the part of retail industry because this specific industry in the current market scenario is most flexible in terms of their flexibility. If I can be the part of retail business organization I may have to face limited risk factors for sustaining my job role. Retail business industry is situated on those areas where the people of different social and cultural backgrounds are there. The products and service process of the business organizations are designed in such a way that people of different cultural attributes can show their interest in purchasing the products (Crane Matten, 2016). In addition, it is also undeniable that employees associated within the retail business organization are also from different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, being the part of those organizations I will be able to exchange my thoughts, ideas and knowledge with the people of different diverse work culture. As a result, I would be able to enhance my skill, knowledge and competency. As per the current business scenario retail business sectors are controlled with the advancement of technology. The industries are situated on those areas where the target customers are developed in their technological skills and competency (Welford, 2013). If I want to be the part of this retail business sector I would have to gain the flexibility in operating advancement of technology in order to communicate with the employees properly. Being human resource managers I should have proper competency in measuring the entire performance level of every single employee by using the advancement of technology. In this kind of situation, being a student of business administration I need to have enough expertise in technology so that I can handle any kind of sudden technological barrier at the workplace. Otherwise, the entire process of business may have to face innumerable challenges in running successfully. Goals: As a student of business administration I am having a specific goal behind joining on the retail business sectors. Initially I want to be a part of a business organization belonging to retail sector as a mere human resource executives. My first purpose as an employee is to render multilingual flexibility. In order to evaluate the performance level of the employees I have to be a good communicator in order to interact with every individual employee. Therefore, rending multi lingual flexibility is highly important. In addition, as a human resource business executive I should maintain a good rapport with my senior managers so that they can be flexible in communicating with me. I have focused to be one of the most integral part of my tea, within one year so that I can be appraised to human resource manager to the mere executive. In addition, my future goal is to develop my technological skill as well so that I can maintain the entire employee performance record chronologically. Use of organizational software in maintaining database is inevitable with the help of which the entire performance record of a specific business organization can be kept within control (Anderson, 2016). As I am a study of human resource management, my ultimate goal is to be a senior human resource manager. After getting the designation, I would like to render work flexibility as well as diversity management within the organization. I have observed that large number of business organizations tends to recruit the employees being culturally biased. I personally believe that employees should be judged as per the skill and competency level of the rather than their cultural and religious backgrounds. Therefore, being a human resource manager I would like to entertain the entire skillful and competent employee from different cultural and rel igious backgrounds. At the same time, I would like to provide every individual employee an effective training session for developing their communication skill. Automatically, I would not have to face any kind of difficulties in interacting with my organizational employees properly. However, rendering diversity within workplace is one of the most primary goal that I have to meet after being an integral part of a retail business organization. Professional Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility As per the professional value of a human resource manager every single employee within the business organization should be treated with equal respect and dignity (Eisenbeiss, 2012). Within a retail business sector people are from different geographical attitudes and backgrounds. Employees may have to face innumerable barriers in interacting with the other members. Therefore, as a human resource manager I should give equal priority to every individual member associated within the workplace. In addition, if a particular employee has to face any kind of difficulty in providing good services towards the organization I as a responsible human resource manager should make an interpersonal communication with that individual. I should know what kind of difficulties this individual is facing while performing at the workplace. As per the ethical consideration employees should not be forced for doing over time duty. I as a human resource manager should not implement such policy at the workplace that employees have to be overburdened for meeting the business target at the workplace. In order to get best performance from the employees I can implement the policy of flexible work hour so that employees get motivated towards performing well at the workplace. The concept of social responsibility believes that human resource managers should have a proper responsibility towards the organizational employees. I being a responsible human resource manager should follow organizational acts and legislation properly. As per the organizational acts and legislation implementation of health and safety act is inevitable. This particular act implies that employees after facing any kind of health issue at the workplace should get necessary facility and benefits from the employers (Hill, Cronk Wickramasekera, 2013).. Business employers should take the responsibility of every employee who falls sick at their workplace. In addition, employees should get a proper estimated sick leave for certain days for their recovery. These particular social responsibilities are inevitable in order to sustain organizational managers. I personally believe that human resource managers should improve the performance level of employees by implementing necessary strategies and policies. At the same time, it is also undeniable that employees should not forget their moral ethics as well as social responsibilities towards the business organization. Employees should not be over burdened with pressure so that they intend to leave the organization (Thiel et al., 2012). The primary purpose of a human resource manager should be reta ining the organizational employees at the workplace as well for maintaining organizational sustainability. Competency Assessment (Socio-cultural and Personal Competence) In order to develop myself socially as well as culturally I should have a flexible communication with every individual member with my team. While maintaining my learning process I had to deal with every individual member belonging to different geographical as well as cultural backgrounds. Initially I was not able to understand language of other people belonging to different cultural background. I used to avoid their opinion while taking a decision regarding team or project development and progression. In order to deal with the customers of different geographical markets I have taken an effective training and development session. This particular training session has enhanced my communication skill. After being flexible in multilingual attitude I was efficient enough in dealing with the every individual member with my team. While taking a major decision in developing the group project I have exchanged my ideas and thoughts with those members as well. As a result, my socio-cultural attr ibutes have been automatically developed after exchanging thoughts and ideas. While taking decision regarding developing the project I got the scope for taking collective decision as well. In this kind of situation, other team members have showed their enthusiastic attitude in being an inseparable part of project. Personal competency increases not by gaining theoretical knowledge by increasing the practical experiences (Burke Noumair, 2015). After being part of the business organization I would have to be acquainted with the people of different cultures and attitudes. In order to get good performances from those employees I would have to be flexible with their culture. However, enhancing my skill in technology is highly important for keeping a constant control on overall business process. I have observed that I am not very accustomed with operating technologies. Therefore, I need to enhance my skill in technology so that I can maintain chronological database through automation process. After being a part of business organization I will have to maintain a database on the overall employee performances. In this kind of situation, I should know how to use bid data and business intelligence so that entire information can be stored, maintained and evaluated. In order to develop my personal competency I need to enhance my leadership skill as well. While leading a project team in my institution I have observed that I used to follow autocratic form of leadership style. As a result, I did not intend to take the decision from other team members. In this kind of situation, other team members intend to show their reluctant attitude in leaving a contribution towards the project development. After being a part of organization, I should follow democratic form of leadership style instead of following autocratic. With the help of democratic form of leadership style employees would get the scope to share their own opinion as well. In this kind of situation, organizational employees would get their enthusiastic attitudes in performing well towards meeting the business target (Tai Chuang, 2014). As a result, I would be able to make a good team rapport. It is undeniable that the success of a business organization is highly dependent on the performance level of employees. Competency Assessment - Managerial and Technical While leading the team I have observed that I used to impose my own decision on my team members. As a result, they intended to show their reluctant attitude for providing any kind of positive feedback for developing the project. Whenever I will be the part of a business organization, I should never maintain a dominating attitude so that employees get hesitated to share their own opinion regarding the success of business. In order to control the entire business process the business managers should motivate the employees. Employee motivation is one of the major parts of getting good performances. In order to become a good manager I should have proper skill in managing people. With the help of participative form of leadership style, I should make collective decision. As a result, employees automatically show their encouraging attitude in providing good services towards the business organization. On the other hand, in order to become an efficient human resource manager my personality should be developed. I need to have a sense of maintaining organizational discipline as well as organizational behavior. Being a human resource manager, I should be disciplined so that employees can follow me up. On the other hand, I should have an effective communication skill as well. With the help of an effective communication skill, I can make an in-depth interaction with the employees in order to know their problems and challenges facing at the workplace. At the same time, it is undeniable that people belonging to different markets are not very much flexible in organizational employees. Therefore, being a human resource manager I should know the skill on how an individual employee should be motivated towards the performances. In addition, I can implement some major plans and policies as well so that employees can show their interest in performing well. Among some of the major plans and polic ies the implementation of reward and recognition is most significant. The primary purpose of making reward and recognition policy is to encourage the employees towards performing well. At the same time, employees would like to put their additional effort only when they also get necessary benefits and facilities from the organization (Marsh, 2013). Therefore, the performance level of the employees is highly dependent on the managerial skill and competency that I would be able to maintain at the workplace for rendering business success. I have already stated that I need to develop my technological skill so that I can handle any kind of sudden technological barrier at the workplace. While maintaining the entire business process employees may have to face technological barrier that can demolish the flow of business. In order to overcome sudden technological barrier I have taken an effective training and development session with the help of which I can develop my technological skill and competency. As a result, the organizational would not have to invest additional amount of money for hiring an IT expert for handling any kind of technological barrier at the workplace. Competencies Needed Targets for Development As per the previous evaluation I should focus on enhancing some of the major areas in order to develop my skill and competency level. The major areas on which I should focus include my communication skill, decision making skill, and technological competency. In order to handle the people from different geographical markets I should develop my skill of communication with the help of which I can easily interact with the people of different geographical boundaries. On the other hand, good communication skill would make me more confident and spontaneous while giving any kind of presentation regarding any kind of issue. People belonging to different geographical markets may have to face linguistic barrier. Therefore, I should focus on being comfortable with both verbal communication as well as non-verbal communication. People who are having difficulties in maintaining verbal communication can communicate with me by expression or written communication as well (Cornelissen Cornelissen, 2017). Therefore, developing communication skill is highly important for being an efficient human resource manager. I have observed that as a successful manager I am not efficient enough in operating the advancement of technology properly. In this kind of situation, any kind of sudden technological barrier can become a serious crisis for maintaining the entire process of business. However, in order to enhance my skill and competency in technology I should receive a proper training session so that I can operate advanced technology. In addition while dealing with sudden technological barrier I should have the skill of overcoming the crisis. This specific study has focused to evaluate the major impact of enhancing the technological skill and competency level. In order to enhance my managerial skill and competency level I need to focus on developing my personality as well. I should not use autocratic form of leadership style with the help of which business leaders would like to impose their own decision on the employees. With the help of democratic form of leadership style I can take collective decision making by involving organizational employees in order to change the business strategy and policy. On the other hand, employees would like to show their enthusiastic attitude towards performing well for rendering the success of business. Proposed Professional Development Program In order to develop my professional skill and competency I can focus on making an effective development program with the help of which I can enhance my future career effectively. An action plan has been made by focusing on my personal as well as professional development process: Action plan How to implement Equipments Attending training and development session With the help of an effective training and development session I will get the scope of gaining theoretical knowledge and experience with the help of which I can enhance my knowledge and skill as well Training hall along with physical and technological resources Attending workshop I can attend workshops for developing my decision making skill, managerial skill even communication skill. In a particular workshop I will get the scope to show my skill practically instead of gaining only theoretical knowledge Conference hall along with physical as well as technological resources Making group discussion I can conduct a group session by involving the employees as well in order to exchange my thoughts and ideas. With the help of an effective group communication I can get the scope of gathering collective decision as well. This particular collective decision may help me in enhancing my knowledge as well as making more effective business strategy as well as policy. Conference hall along with physical as well as technological resources After making an effective Professional Development Program it can be evaluated that professionalism within the business sector is one of the most effective parts of surviving within the business industry (Giacalone Rosenfeld, 2013). People belonging to different geographical boundaries are associated within the business sector. In order to communicate with every single employee working at the business organization I should focus on three effective areas that include attending workshop, attending training and development program and arranging group discussion. People are from different geographical boundaries as well as psychological attitudes. Therefore, communicating with the employees with the help of arranging a group session is highly important. The primary purpose of conducting a group session is to exchanging thoughts and ideas for implementing new strategy of business (Prez Del Bosque, 2012). Training and development session is very much effective with the help of which I ca n get the scope of enhancing my knowledge and skill. In addition after attending a workshop I would be able to evaluate my practical knowledge and experience. Gaining theoretical knowledge and experience is not the only purpose of attending workshop (Bolman Deal, 2017). With the help of attending an effective workshop I can develop my practical experience as well by performing in the practical field. Conclusion Being a student of business administration I have gathered immense knowledge and experience on how to manage a team. Especially I have gathered a practical experience of leading my team for conducting the entire project work successfully. Throughout the entire study I have made an effective learning and development plan with the help of which I have evaluated on how I can develop my skill and competency for managing the team. As per the current global scenario the market of retail business sectors are high. Therefore, I aim to be the part of a retail business organization in the post of human resource manager. As an efficient business manager I should enhance my technological skill and competency so that I can measure the performance record of every individual employee properly within being unbiased. 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